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In-Home Physical Therapy: What To Know (Forbes Health)

Physical therapy can be an essential aspect of health care for some individuals. While physical therapy is often provided in various settings, such as hospitals, sports facilities, schools, outpatient clinics and nursing homes, in-home physical therapy can offer impactful results for individuals returning to their normal activities of daily living (ADLs) after a surgery, illness, injury or other condition.

In-home physical therapy occurs when a licensed physical therapist or physical therapist assistant provides rehabilitation services within a patient’s home. An individual’s need for physical therapy may stem from various health situations, but, typically, problems that result in pain or decreased functional mobility highlight a need for physical therapy.

In-home health care services, including in-home physical therapy, can be as effective as the care patients receive in a hospital or skilled nursing facility. However, working one-on-one with a patient allows the physical therapist to provide services that are relevant to the patient’s individualized needs and goals. Additionally, it can be more cost-effective and convenient for patients to undergo therapy at home.

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